My Birth Story. 5 epidurals. Bed bound for days.

Jade • 24- London 💄 Mummy to a Beautiful Baby Boy
I'm writing this as little one sleeps in my arms. He is one week today it has gone so fast. So 9 days ago last Tuesday around 6pm I started getting some cramps about 1 hour apart and I said to my other half I hope these pains get stronger and bubba comes soon. I was 39 weeks at this point and suffering with backpain and heartburn and just feeling so huge and stuffed. Anyway the pains got closer together about 30 mins apart by 2pm in the morning so I tried to sleep but by 6pm Wednesday morning the pains were sooo sharp in my back and down low! I thought they would feel like cramps and I have pretty bad period pains so I thought I could handle it! My god they felt like a thousand knives at once. I was timing the pains but they was very irregular some were 10 mins apart some 15 but they were lasting for about 2 minutes. I ran a bath but every time I had a contraction I had to get up of my bum cause the pains were so intense! I phoned the labour line and explained how I felt and the midwife said it sounds like early labour and could take days so to call back when I am getting 3 contractions in 10 minutes lasting a minute long! By this time I came off the phone and just broke down in tears I couldn't take the pain anymore and paracetamol tablets was just not cutting it!!!
I laboured on all fours, standing up, crouching, kneeling by the edge of the bed in every position possible and nothing was comfertable, sleep was not an option. My partner rubbed my back every time I had a contraction and I moaned in pain, I felt so sick and could not eat and I was convinced he must be coming soon because surely these pains could not get any worse! That night we went for a walk and I was having pains every 5 minutes now but some lasting 2 minutes some only 30 seconds so I phoned back the labour line because my back was in absolute pieces! They said it still seems like a rly labour and to wait until they are more regular. Screw that! We went to the hospital to be checked and during the examination I started to lose quite a lot of blood but was only 3cm dialated but fully effaced. They admitted me and things all started happening really quickly. My plan was a water birth but I wasn't allowed one as my blood pressure was sky high. One doctor broke my waters whilst another put a canula in my hand. From this point on the contractions was back to back and I had no pain relief. An epidural was not in my birth plan and I didn't want one but was told to keep my blood pressure down they needed to eliminate pain so I would need an epidural. So the lady comes to do the epi and I anxiously sit so still holding my hubbys hand, she seems to be taking a while and then tells me she has punctured the wrong part and she will try again, same thing happened. I can hear them saying there is some fluid leaking from my back and they are testing it and it is from my dura, I'm then being told I may get severe headaches and if I do to come back to the hospital after he is born as I am losing fluid from the nerves surrounding my spine. The aneasatist is apologising to me and leaves the room. I am now left panicking and in even more pain with no epidural and sky high blood pressure so I start on the gas and air and completely zone out whilst moaning like a cow everytime I got a contraction which was every 2 minutes. I was then offered a shot of pethadine which I unfortunately accepted, this made me feel so drunk I couldn't keep my eyes open and was so floppy then all of a sudden I am being rolled onto my side and baby's heart rate has dropped all the way down, the midwife is shouting at my partner to take my earrings out I'm being rushed for an emergency c section and there is 10 doctors in the room! My hubby is crying and hugging me telling me he loves me then as they go to wheel me out bubbas heart rate goes all the way back up again and happily beats away. From then on the time seemed to fly by and a few hours later a specialist consultant visited me to explain he could do the epidural for me and he knows exactly where to put it. My blood pressure was so high they was explaining it could lead to a seizure or a stroke so they did the epi and it was super fast and worked an absolute dream. I could now interact with my mum and hubby and wait it out until baby was ready. 8pm Thursday I was 9cm so we was just waiting. By 10pm I was a 10 and I was given 2 hours to push if not they wanted to do a c section because baby hart rate was dipping a little again. So my legs was put in stirrups and I started to push like my life depended on it although I couldn't feel anything so I was waiting to be told when to. 3 pushed every contraction, I was bearing down into my butt and I'm sure I must have been right red or blue because I was pushing with absolutely everything, at this point my worst fear of tearing went out the window, I didn't not care what happened to be I just wanted my baby out out and safe! His head was coming out a little and going back in and this was when they realised he was sunny side up (back to back) I was exhausted so they got out the forceps and assisted me when I pushed, one push his head was out then another push I felt the biggest rip and screamed whilst she gave me an episiotomy at the same time then all of a sudden my precious boy was put on my chest and all the pain and fear left my body. I cried and held him and kissed his face and my eyes have never left him since that moment. He is beyond perfect and so alert. Weighed 7lbs 7oz and a full head of hair. I never imagined I could love someone so much, every worry in the world has gone away, all I care about is him... so the headaches started almost instantly, I stayed on my own that night and struggled to even sit up due to the stitches I had from my second degree perineal tear and the episiotomy and the pains in my head but I had to see to my baby so I struggled through the night then Friday morning my hubby came back and I couldn't lift my head, the light was unbearable, I couldn't go to the toilet and was throwing up. I could feel my back leaking and I was so scared I was going to die, a few doctors came to see me throughout the day and wanted to see how I felt Saturday morning. Saturday morning comes and I am in a worse way then Friday, I am also so upset that I can't care for my baby. They explained that they needed to inject some of my blood through an epi needle in my back to clot and fill the hole that they punctured then the pressure would build back up and the headaches stopped so I had the procedure and it worked straight away. Saturday night me hubby and baby was leaving together to go home and I was so happy but very sore. We enjoy our baby at home and it is the best feeling every but then Monday morning comes and the pains in my head start again and I can't bear the light or lift my head  so I phone the hospital and they tell me to come in instantly, I sat and cried and cried and cried before packing my bags and going back. I needed the blood patch procedure to be done again so they booked me in and I laid there again through the pain whilst they injected 30 MLS of my blood into my back again, all I could think about is how I needed to get home to see my precious son. I am now home and have no headaches, I am taking it easy and laying in bed as we speak cuddling the best thing that ever happened to me. I need to be strong and not let this experience affect me. Please pray for me ladies, sorry my birth sorry was so long and thank you for reading. I don't mean to scare anyone just wanted to tell my story as I have read so many during my pregnancy. Being a Mum is the best feeling in the world ❤️🙏🏻👶🏻 
Below is baby Roman leaving the hospital and then again at 1 week old today.