A hard, unplanned delivery..

I gave birth to my daughter Ellie 9 days ago. I was 37w 4d and went to my normal NST appointment like usual. My blood pressure was high so I was sent to L&D for some monitoring..not a big deal because I've had hypertension the whole pregnancy. So I get to the hospital and give a sample & bloodwork to check for preeclampsia..it was positive. The induction started around 4pm, first a foley bulb, then pitocin. 27 hours later and I'm stuck at 5cm and my baby girl's heartbeat keeps dropping with contractions due to the cord being around her neck and keeping her from dropping down to be able to progress more(her head wasn't even touching my cervix at that point). I got an epidural and labored for another couple of hours before my doctor suggested to get a csection because of the distress to my daughter and lack of progression..so of course I said yes since I was worried about my peanut. At 10:22 pm I gave birth to Ellie Hazel weighing 6lb 4oz and 20" long. She was born with low blood sugar and had to be supplemented with formula which I wasn't happy about but it was best for her. Her sugars weren't stabilizing so she spent a day in the NICU. She is now a healthy, laid back beautiful baby and I am so in love with her! Her dad is gone a while longer on deployment so I am enjoying all of out bonding time right now. My labor and delivery did not go as planned whatsoever but in the end I don't care how it happened as long as it got her here safe!