How do you "Take a Break" from trying?

AF just started today, so I'm starting my 6th cycle TTC now. I had a miscarriage in January at 5 weeks. I went from ambivalent when we started to excited when I found out I was pregnant to devastated a week later. I was frantic to get pregnant again and the myself competition into charting for the next two cycles. I'm now going into my 3rd since the miscarriage and I'm emotionally exhausted. The last few days were hormonal, emotional hell (I think I have PMDD, it was debilitating bad) and I'm just so frustrated. It's not fun anymore. I'm starting to feel a little ambivalent again about having a baby, probably to protect myself from any more pain. But it's really an addiction at this point, temping and peeing on things and watching the calendar. I'm a bit obsessive as it is, and this whole charting business was kindling when I found out about it.

Anyway, I'm doing ok today (since my hormones have mellowed out with the arrival of AF), but I'm curious about anyone who has "taken a break." First of all, did you actually use protection during that time, or take a break from charting, or just stop logging things, or just not test? I feel like I know enough about my body now that I could still tell you the day I ovulated and the day my period was coming without devices or a calendar. I feel like I would still frantically plan a romantic night and drag my husband to the bedroom when I noticed my CM change. I would still count days in my head. I would still think about it all the time. Wouldn't I? Wouldn't you? How do you turn your brain off (without drinking yourself stupid every night)?

I'm mesmerized by all these stories of women who took a break and immediately got pregnant. What a dream! Maybe I'm just grabbing desperately for another straw. Really, I think I'm just looking for my sanity back. I almost feel like I've got to be all or nothing: know everything about my fertility or get another iud put in. I'm 32, I don't feel like I can dick around a lot longer before I'm really having trouble (and yes, I know 6 months isn't that long but throw in a miscarriage and time starts going backwards).

Help me, I've clearly lost my marbles, lol. I'd love to hear any advice if you've successfully taken your brain down from volume 11. And please no heartless "calm down" comments, as I'm liable to burst into tears, lol.