July 16, 2016 — We cannot wait to meet our baby boy

Jaqwan • wife, designer, and we're pregnant with a baby boy.

21.2 — all that I imagined about pregnancy, I've thrown out the window and realized that our journey is ours and ours alone. when we first became pregnant I couldn't fathom how I could love someone I never met, but with each  week, each ultrasound appointment, and each kick my heart falls deeper in love with you. You are ours. We came together passionately to create you, with your weekly growth in our belly it reminds me how real GOD is. The days we wrestled with God about when, or how, or why it wasn't happening and to now have you developing so beautifully in my womb makes me in awe of God's faithfulness. Baby boy your were made perfectly for our hearts. Baby boy you were intentionally planned, and our hearts are prepared for you.