A Miracle from GOD

I was diagnosed with a complete placenta previa and told by my obgyn that I would have to have a C section to deliver my 4th child. I was devastated because I have never had a C section let alone any surgery and been cut open for any reason. I went to God in prayer consistently believing that he would hear and answer the things I asked in his name. I asked others to pray for me. Well yesterday I went to visit my obgyn because I had been having alot of pain and pressure lately and just wanted to make sure things were going okay. My doctor checked me by ultrasound and the looks on his face and his responses were priceless. He says to me look at this screen tell me what you see I'm like my baby he says no your placenta is gone it has totally moved it's no longer covering your cervix. This is the same man who told me complete previas dont move. I told him to stop playing with me. He called the ultrasound tech in the room and she confirmed what he was looking at. He said girl Jesus came in and moved it for you because in all my years of practice this has never happened. We all hugged as we were overjoyed. We are like family there. I just had to share my story for two reasons if you believe in God when the Dr says NO JESUS CAN STILL SAY YES. I give God all the glory.....honor...and praise. Stay encouraged ladies. God bless you and your babies.