constant sickness

Hi I don't know if anyone's had this before but surely they have, I'm just looking for some advice. 
I'm always feeling nauseous all the time, I am not pregnant. This has been going on for about 6 months now and it's horrible , I eat: I vomit, I drink water: I vomit , and when I drink alcohol also of course I vomit. I can't enjoy myself without vomiting. I have to force myself to vomit now because the nausea is unbearable so when I feel sick I just force vomit. When I do eat food I have a good diet, I am a vegetarian and I don't consume much dairy at all I drink almond milk and substitute my dairy because it makes me feel sick. Sometimes I try to not eat but I find I feel sick too. Either way I can't win and I just want some advice because it makes it so hard for me.