Just a Rant.

 I'm getting so tired of people telling me and acting like I'm not aloud to "act" pregnant. I am nearly 16 weeks and starting to definitely show and trust me, I've been feeling pregnant since the day I found out at week 4. People at my work constantly look at me when I make a comment about my belly acting like there is nothing there. It is coming off to me that because I don't have a giant stomach and am not past 20 weeks, it doesn't make sense to acknowledge my pregnancy. I realize I'm only 16 weeks. But surely it's not a sin for me to acknowledge the fact that I'm a mother now, and I will have a child soon. My body is changing and I'm enjoying every exhausting minute of it! I mean just look at my belly?! Why do I not have a right to act pregnant? Please somebody explain that! Not to mention they all act like pregnancy has to be horrible for me because it was apparently horrible for them. As a first time mom, everything happening to me is new and exciting and I enjoy sharing that excitement. For instance, when I first started to show, I mentioned it to a co worker and she just looked at me and said "you've got nothing to be excited about. Just wait til you can't see your feet, then you will hate it." Or if I make the comment that I'm tired, "you should've thought about that before you got pregnant!" Like are you kidding me? I realize a baby is exhausting and a life changer, but why ruin all these new experiences for me by making me feel bad? I'm trying so hard not to let it get to me, but they're making it so hard for me to enjoy this pregnancy by telling me nothing but horrible things.