few days late & potential AF or pregnancy symptoms! help!

Okay, so I'm 3-4-5 days late. It always fluctuates. I've been cramping since about 6pm tonight but no AF. I have gone to the bathroom to check like every hour. Now the cramping is like, periodically. And I'm extremely nauseated. But I don't know if that's just from the cramping being extreme. Last time I took a test was a week ago and it was negative, knowing I was too early to test. What should I do? 
I'm half tempted to make my husband go out and get me a test in the morning if this cramping doesn't go away. Help! If I am... and I don't wanna jinx myself but - it would be our first. 
No sore breasts, just cramping & nausea. A little bit of what seems to be acid reflux but it's not acid. It's disgusting. And idk maybe I'm crazy but it's like my sense of smell is heightened. But that sometimes happens when AFis around the bend. Should I test or no? Help!