Palestine and Israel

odessa • med student 💉 | capricorn.
So I was talking to my Christian (Protestant) grandfather on the phone earlier and we somehow got on the topic of what's going on with Palestine and Israel. And he told me an interesting theory, even though he's married to a Muslim (my grandma) he did sound a wee bit prejudiced, but anyways he was telling me about the biblical origin of the Abrahamic religions. He said the reason Muslims and Jews have been fighting for so long, is because of Abrahams two children, Sarah was barren for so long so she had her handmaid Haegar sleep with Abraham in her stead, and thus Ishmael was born, however later God granted Sarah her own child, Isaac. God promised Abraham his seed would create nations and be "Gods chosen people." Well anyways, the Isaac line is Jews (and by extension, Christians after Jesus Christ came to Earth), and Ishmael, pushed aside by his father for Isaac, is the Arabic/Muslim line. Anyways apparently the two bloodlines are doomed to fight forever after Ishmael and his mother were thrown out of Sarah and Abrahams household not long after Isaacs birth. I thought this was an interesting story/theory. Anyways, how do you guys feel about what's going on in Israel and Palestine, do you believe my grandfathers theory? Are you pro-Palestine or pro-Israel? (Probably shouldn't ask that but...)