birth story/original due date today 💕

So today was my original due date (3/11/17). I actually gave birth Friday, February 17th at 10:48 pm. It all started with my water breaking on Thursday (2/16) at 5:30 in the morning. I honestly thought I was peeing the bed at first until I realized how much fluid was coming out! I woke up my boyfriend and I told him I either peed the bed or my water broke. So I call my midwifes and ask what steps I should take next and they say to just get ready to come to the hospital! (I had to start antibiotics because of GBS) We get to the hospital around 9:00 am, get checked in and hooked up to everything. Got checked to see how dilated I was (I was already 1cm at 35 weeks) and I was still only at 1 cm. They offer to start the induction process which was started with cervidil. It stays in for 12 hours maximum...well mine did just that lol I end up getting it taken out at 11pm and was only dilated to 1.5 cm 😫 Then around 1 am they started the pitocin and I was in and out of sleep the rest of the night/morning. I finally started experiencing some light contractions and at this point was beyond crabby from not making a lot of progress and being hooked up to the iv and monitor. My contractions finally started getting stronger so I decided to get an epidural. Had one put in and it didn't work so they had to redo it and finally this one worked after a lot of poking and prying. Contractions really start picking up and it was time to start pushing! It was excruciating! I felt everything which was confusing to me because I had an epidural (which I know doesn't block everything) come to find out my epidural was accidentally shut off!! BUT, after nearly two days stuck in bed, 2 full hours of pushing, 2 failed epidurals my precious baby girl was born! 7 pounds 9 ounces! And today just seems bittersweet..knowing today was her due date and now to believe she's already 3 weeks old.Â