Lincoln Michael


Here's my detailed birth story for our little Lincoln Michael. Born at 7:37pm on March 1st, 2017. 7lbs 11oz. 20inches long.

At 37 weeks on the dot I had my weekly OB appointment. Turns out I was already 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. My OB stripped my membranes, which is painful in case you're debating, and I left the office hopefull. I started walking miles, doing stairs, bouncing on the birthing ball, warm baths, nipple stimulation, every safe thing I could find. A week passed and at my 38 week appointment I went in dissapointed that nothing had changed. Again my OB stripped my membranes, which put me at 4cm dilated. That evening the contractions became a steady 10 minutes apart and being a first time mom we went to labor and delivery. Seeing as I didn't dilate any further they sent me home and told me to come back at 5 minutes apart. 12 hours layered went back in because they were now 5 minutes apart. Again sent home even though they were steady and real not Braxton Hicks. Two days later I made another trip in too much pain to eat or sleep. They gave me a shot of morphine and three hours later shipped me home. Desperate I went and bought raspberry leaf tea and pineapple juice and drank away. Nothing. Being frustrated with being sent home 4 times I stuck it out until my OB appointment. We were shy one day of 39 weeks at this appointment. Again my membranes were stripped, and we signed the papers to be induced the next morning at 39 weeks exact. After my appointment contractions were stronger, so in we went. They finally admitted me around 7pm. Started me on antibiotics which intensified contractions even more. About midnight they came in with the IV drugs, after three tries to place it earlier. The IV drugs took the pain away but only for an hour, and I could only have them every 4 hours. At 5am they started me on pitocin because I hadn't dilated any farther and was scheduled to be induced anyways. Before they ran the pumpkin the broke my water. Turns out my son had pooped in there which is semi rare. So his pediatrician was on call for delivery to make sure he didn't get any in bus lungs. The pitocin was upped ever hour. I decided to try the nitrous gas to take the edge off, again didn't work. At 1pm the anesthesiologist came in to administer my epidural. Yes this hurt if you're wondering. But for me it was more scary than painful. The epidural was my Savior. I could still moved my legs, but had no feeling. By 6pm my pitiful level was the highest it could go at 20 and I had been at 8cm dilated for 3 hours. My OB talked to me about a cesarean because my son was coming down the birthing canal crooked. We decided after 23 hours of labor that was what was best. We prepped for our cesarean and made the decision my SO would be in the operating room with me, and my mom would have to stay in the waiting room since only one person was allowed. She was not only terrified but heart broken. 7pm they wheeled me to the operating room. While the prepped me and administered the drugs Chris had to stay outside. I will be honest and tell you I have never been so scared in my life. That room looked just like those of Grey's Anatomy and I was all worked up. Finally after what felt like an eternity Chris was allowed in. He sat next to my head and tried to calm me. I could feel the initial sting of them cutting me open and then it felt like they were tearing out my insides. The pressure was intense, and I started to feel extremely nauseous. They gave me something for that. Then I told them it was hurting, which now I know it was just extreme pressure. About 10 minutes in, which literally felt like hours, they pulled out my son. He cried and I remember thinking everything was worth it. This terrible pregnancy, 24 hours of labor, being chopped open. It was worth it to hear his loud cry. Then I started to hyperventilate because they didn't let me see him right away. Chris was crying, good tears, but I automatically assumed something was wrong. My blood pressure rose and they gave me a "zombie" drug. This knocked me out without having to put me completely under. Unfortunately I didn't get to see Chris cut the cord. I woke up to getting ready to leave the OR and Chris was finally holding our son Lincoln. They gave me him and let me hold him while they wheeled me into recovery. I was in recovery for an hour, but it felt like less than 10 minutes. They soon wheeled my to my postpartum room. Where we were greeted my our parents. I had a long, intense, exhausting 24 he labor just to end up having a cesarean. Here I am 11 days later after glue, stitches, and staples so thankful for our beautiful son.