Big Baby Boy!

My son is 7 days old today.  I had him after 3 days of labor (after being induced), before finally having to do a csection.
*NOTE:  my story is not how your experience may go, and is actually an oddity not a normalcy.  So FTM, don't freak out.
This is my first pregnancy and first child.  We conceived via <a href="">IUI</a> after 6 long years of actively trying to conceive.  We were over the moon about this successful pregnancy. Not only was it a model pregnancy with a healthy 30 year old mommy and VERY healthy baby, but all my fears of something going wrong faded away.
At 39 weeks my son measured at 8lb 9oz according to an ultrasound.  Already a big boy!  I really wanted to attempt a natural birth, so my doctor allowed me to go past my due date.  But coming up on 41 weeks we decided to give my body a boost.  While my cervix had softened and I was having contractions, I was not effaced nor was I dilated.
So at 9pm on Friday I checked into the hospitals Labor and Delivery unit for inducement via Cervidil in hopes it would soften my cervix all the way and cause dilation which would lead to a natural vaginal labor.  Sadly inserting an IV line proved to be difficult (veins kept blowing), so I ended up with an IV line in the crook of my arm (so no bending it... this made breast feeding difficult later).  24 hours later I was barely dilated at 1cm though my cervix was now thin (but still not effaced).  I was given 3 hours to relax through the active contractions and eat a meal before we began Picotin at midnight on Saturday.  
Labor pains increased slowly, but they really were not horrible.  Sadly I was still dilation very slowly.  Fast forward to Sunday around noon.  I was having active labor pains (7/10 pain), and was only 5cm.  I was given until 6pm to dilate to at least an 8... but was told it could be another 48 hours of these contractions 😱😰
I requested an epidural knowing I wouldn't make it longer than 3-6 hours.  1 hour later my Epidural was in and I slept until 3pm.  I woke up to intense 'cramping' pain that was constant.  I could also feel my legs again.  My Epidural had stopped working partially.  They attempted to up the meds but to no avail.  By 4pm I was in tears and having trouble breathing through the pain despite an epidural.  I was only dilated to a 6... I called it and we went in for a csection.
At 5pm I was rolled into the operation room and set up with stronger medication.  Sadly I still felt the cuts and spreading of my muscle layer as they operated which required an oxygen mask and me essentially being knocked out.  I felt my son being removed and heard his cry.  My husband was holding my hand and telling me about my son.  
40 minutes later in the recovery room I woke up and was finally able to hold my son.  He was HUGE!  Hahahaha.  Born around 5pm on Monday, weighing in at 9lb 8oz, and 21 inches long.  Whew!
My recovery from the csection has gone MUCH better than the actual labor process.  7 days after my csection I am walking around somewhat normally and able to do most activities.  Sleeping can be awkward (irritates where the incision is), but otherwise all is good in life right now.  Baby is a monster eater, he smiles, and loves the sound of mommy and daddies voices.