Taking your guy back

So I just took my guy back. I posted here a while ago about how empty I felt when it ended.
A bunch of you are probably going to be like "never do that." 
Let me tell you what I saw when I returned the book of his I had.
This is a man who loved to groom and be nice. 
But he was sitting with bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in three days in oily work clothes. He told me he hadn't showered in two days. He had a breakdown at work. His first request was to give me a hug. 
It was beyond anything I'd ever seen. And we talked everything out that night. His last words to me were something like this:
"We both fucked up, maybe me a bit more than you. But....I know I love you. And I'm willing to give second chances if you are." 
And when I told him yes....his touch was reverent and loving beyond anything I ever felt.
Post with your stories of going back to your ex.