Strange Things are Happening

Been TTC baby #1 for 6 months, age 33. Week before AF boobs were sore, moody, emotional, frequent urination, but had BFN day 10 and 13, 14 post ovulation.  14dpo, AF due got brown discharge/spotting put tampon in bc I thought it was AF. Took out hour later nothing there besides little brown spot. Nothing on pantyliner whole rest of day. Next morning which is today felt cramps for sure thought AF took Advil and all and only brown mucus with pink came out on tissue. Had a pad on all day expecting more but just same brown  pink color and cramped again for couple of minutes and went away.  Only shows up when I wipe.  First wipe there is more then second wipe barely anything there. Now at night there is no flow like it has ending. This has never happened to me. If I spot it always processes into flow and horrible cramps which always require heating pad first day. I've read so much stuff online. Took quizzes if implantation or period. It's starting to drive me crazy. Just need to vent, maybe somebody out there had same. Debating on call DR in morning but don't want to sound crazy. Logically i know I just have to wait, if it's IB then I'll test in couple of days or AF will eventually arrive. This TTC stuff really messes with the mind and body! I'm not really a stresser but this is STRANGE!!!