Would you lend your baby to someone?


Okay so I didn't completely clarify what my grandma meant in my last post. As a result, people didn't fully understand my question or what I meant which is completely my fault. It also caused the results to be skewed. I'll explain fully what I meant and what was said this time.

In my last post I talked about how I went over to pick my brother up for the weekend and after I had been there for a little bit my grandma said to me "Your aunt needs to borrow your baby after you have it. Just for a few days to a week so she knows what having a baby is like". I told her no and she got upset. No, this wasn't a joke. People don't get upset when told no over jokes. No, she didn't mean baby sitting. I don't consider a few days to a week of caring for a child babysitting. And yes, this is a 100% real story. I couldn't make this stuff up. This is just how wacko my life is.

I said no to her because

1. I'm not giving up my newborn for a few days to be an experiment.

2. I'm planning on breast feeding so I kind of can't give up my newborn. I don't want Squirt on formula at all (but I'll formula feed or do half and half if necessary).

3. I know how they are. I love them to death, but I don't trust them with my child especially not for that long.

4. My fiance and I will be living out of state by that time.

5. It was my grandma who asked me and not my aunt which means it was either my grandma's idea or my aunt didn't feel comfortable asking me. I'll never know which.

Now, my question is what would YOU do if someone asked you if they could borrow your child for a few days to a week to see what it's like to have kids?

Vote below to see results!