Please help! 7 week old refusing breast!

I'm EBF and she will be 7 exactly weeks tomorrow.
So all day I've breastfed her without any problems but suddenly, within the past 3 hours she is refusing to eat. It's about the time she should be hungry. Honestly, she will always accept the breast even if she's not hungry because she loves to suck. So this is the first time she has completely refused. She will open her mouth but as soon as I try to get her to latch she will turn her head and physically push my breast away with her hand. But then she fusses because she wants it in her mouth and we go through it all over again. She made a grossed out face when my nipple entered her mouth so I tried washing my breasts with warm water. I don't know. I tried nursing again after and she still didn't want it.
The only thing I did differently today was eat some spicy meat... Could that be the reason why she's refusing to breastfeed? I didn't think it would affect my breastmilk and I'm not sure why she would refuse my breast without even tasting the milk, if that's the case.
I'm worried I'm going to have to feed her with a bottle tonight if this is going to keep up. Please help.