Baby boy is here!

Autumn • Mommy to Bentley, and Rylee Ann on her way. ❤️
I was due March 30th. On My birthday 3/11, woke up feeling weak/tired, didn't think much of it but definitely didn't feel good so my mom got me a prenatal massage as a birthday gift. Went to the restroom around 3PM and thought I was leaking urine. Went home, showered, & decided we needed to finish packing our hospital bags since I was 37weeks 2days. Around 11:45PM, hubby & I got ready for bed, after laying there for a minute, I felt something odd. Told hubby I needed to use the restroom, as soon as I got up, my water broke! Arrived at the hospital by 12:45 and contractions started not long after that. Still was only a fingertip dilated so they started Pitocin, had lots of pain so they gave me some IV pain medication. Fell asleep for a while, then got up as the medication wore off and felt some more intense contractions. I decided for the epidural. As soon as I got it, I still felt a lot of pain. They kept telling me "oh it won't take all the pain away" but I just knew there was no way I was supposed to be feeling it as much as I was! The doctor checked again, I was dilated 4cm but I was in the WORST pain of my life. From the pain medication and my anxiety, I started feeling confused and drowsy, kept dosing off and honestly don't remember much other than screaming at everyone that I gave up & couldn't do this anymore! The doctor called a different person to come double check the "epidural" I had received. Turns out, the first one wasn't even put in correctly so I was laboring naturally for hours which was terrible (I have a very low pain tolerance). I received the epidural the correct way and immediately felt relief! I fell asleep for a while then kept waking up to pressure like I needed to push. Doctor checked me at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm & 5pm saying that I still had a little piece of cervix left that needed to open before I could push. Eventually they let me try to push without it opening, and I pushed as hard as I could! After 16 hours of labor, and 30 minutes of pushing At 5:07PM on March 12th, 37w 3d after 16 hours of labor, we welcomed Bentley Tyler into this world! He had a few breathing problems and is receiving antibiotics in the nursery overnight but he's so perfect! I had such a hard time with labor and the pain, I really can't believe I actually did it! It's amazing what our bodies can do. I feel so blessed ❤