She's here!!!!! 12 days early and perfect!!!!!

Our little coffee bean is finally here!!! She arrived at 5:38 this morning weighing a whopping 6 lbs 11 oz and measuring 19 inches long. She's definitely a bean! This momma had back labored Saturday and Sunday almost constantly. After being told not to come in at 11pm Sunday night I went to bed thinking maybe it's false labor. Well at about 1:15am I went pee, laid back down and something told me at 1:30 to get up and go sit on the toilet again. I didn't pee but instead my water broke!! One big gush and a trickle that lasted for 15 mins made me call my OB. So she admitted me at 2:15am. Contractions were strong and regular every 3 mins and progressively getting quicker. After being in the triage for an hour I had gotten to 6cm (I was 2cm just 4 days prior). So they then wheeled me to a delivery suite. Contractions were basically non-stop and I wanted the epidural. Well the RN told me no. I had progressed from 6 to 9 in 45 mins. Around 5am I started pushing and at 5:38am she was here! Such a quick delivery but I wouldn't have changed a thing ❤️❤️❤️