DIY Parents


DIY Parents!

After a weird day of off and on contractions, ee sent our other kids to stay with their cousins for the night at 7:00pm. 90 minutes later I sent an update to our midwife that contractions were intense but very sporadic. At 9:45 they were even more intense but still not consistent.

My midwife suggested lying down and trying to get a little rest between contractions if I could, since they were still as far as 8-10 minutes apart when I was lying or sitting down. I managed through four or five contractions that way before I couldn't stand to be lying down. At 10:43 I texted my midwife to let her know I thought it was time for her to head our way. Five minutes later I texted to say it was definitely time!

I climbed into the birthing tub, which hubby was still filling, and moments later told him I had to start pushing soon, and that I didn't think the midwife was going to make it. I couldn't help pushing, and two or three pushes later, baby's head was out! A loop of cord was wrapped around his neck, but one more contraction and a last push later baby was out and the cord wasn't an issue. We had a healthy baby boy! I stayed in the tub until I delivered my placenta, and then gave baby to hubby so I could do a quick rinse in the shower. Then I settled on the couch and nursed/snuggled our wee one until the midwife arrived. It was not quite what I had planned, but I'm so glad we went for a homebirth, as we probably would have had baby on the way to the hospital otherwise!