SIL Pregnancy Drama

So I wrote a post a few months ago venting about my sister in law smoking when she found out she was pregnant. Everyone here said to give her support and encouragement to stop smoking. That was great advice, but of course she didn't listen to me, her family, friends or fiancé and is currently 18 weeks and still smoking several times a day. 
The thing that gets me is that she didn't even try to quit or get help. She even lied on her paperwork with her OB saying she's never smoked. I'm so scared of what might happen to my niece. I've also heard that some hospitals yet newborns for nictone and I'm worried my sil might get in trouble. 
I don't really know what to do in my his situation. Do I bite my tongue and keep my mouth shut and hope for the best? Or try explaining to her AGAIN about he risks to herself and her baby? I just have such a bad feeling about this and it makes me sick just thinking about it. Any suggestions would be great but honelsty I just wanted to vent here.