Over two years ttc and THIS HAPPENS!!

Over 2 years ttc and THIS happens! Hubby and I are high school sweethearts and have been married for 3 years. For the last 2 years we have been ttc but weren't getting anywhere as hubby was diagnosed with low motility and low morphology. Fast forward to 2017, we relocate to georgia and both get awesome jobs and mine even covers fertility treatments! So we do our 2nd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>...but this one was medicated with 50mg clomid and trigger shot and with 7 million motile sperm we finally are pregnant with our first baby! It seems so surreal! I just knew this cycle was different as I actually felt implantation at 8dpo! I'm only 10dpiui but 12 days post trigger so I'm pretty sure this is a real bfp as I tested negative on Saturday afternoon before I felt implantation. I typed this long post because I remember reading bfp posts for the last 2.5 years wondering all the details of people's stories so I hope this can be inspirational to someone else.