what do I do?

For about a month now me and this guy at my school have been talking and we've gotten pretty close. We're friends but we both have feelings for each other, him more than I. This is the first time I've ever felt this away about anyone (I'm 17). He's had a rocky past and has had his heart broken many times. He says he loves me and I'm the only thing that makes him happy. I don't truely believe that he loves me, love is a big word. But I do believe that I make him really happy. He's been smiling and laughing more at school and he's more social. I love that he's happier and that I'm the reason behind it,  but I sometimes feel suffocated by the fact that he needs me in order to be happy. This whole relationship thing is new to me and I'm not sure what to do. He's had girlfriends, I've never had a boyfriend. We're two completely different people with completely different pasts. He wants to get married young and start his life and he's mentioned that I would be "the one". I just laugh it off cause I don't feel the same way. I wouldn't mind him being my boyfriend, but I don't know if I would want to actually go that far. My plans are college and starting my future, his are getting married, moving to the mountains, and getting high. I don't know what to do or say to him.