False Positive or False Miscarriage

Jenna • Jenna <3
Feb 7th I got a BFP it was a very faint line. Feb 10th I got sick and got my period (few days late). Feb 13th I went to the doctor and they told me I had miscarried (hCG level was 4) and I was only 2-3 weeks along so no d&c was done. We couldn't have sex again for 2 weeks so when we were in the clear Feb 24th we had sex for our first time since the miscarriage and multiple days after that. March 13th I didn't get my period so I took a test and got a BFP and the line was super dark!! To me the dates don't add up so is it possible they were wrong about the miscarriage and I'm still pregnant or is it a false positive and I should be expecting a period?!