birth story! never a dull moment!

As I sit here staring at my almost 3 week baby girl, I thought I'd write out my story for you ladies!
At 39 weeks I went into work at 4AM as normal. I was having contractions at work for a couple weeks so I didn't think too much of them, but as the morning went on they were more instense than usual. I work on a farm so when I'm that active they usually are fairly consistent, but when I would get done they would taper off. Anyways, I got done about noon and headed home. On my drive home the contractions went from an annoyance to painful just like that. I started timing them, but they were all over the place. By 1:30pm I was certain I was dying so I called my doctor. He has always been good with seeing patients when you have any concerns so he had me go in to see him. Checked me and said "Yep you're in labor! Let's get you upstairs!" Phew is all I thought because if I wasn't in labor then I didn't want to know the pain of true labor. 😂 Anyways. I was only 3cm when I got checked in. Any I did not have the textbook contractions that were 5 minutes apart so ladies - if you think you're in labor with inconsistant contractions call your doctor! By 6pm I was only 4cm, but I had had enough pain so I got the epidural. LADIES. BEST. THING. EVER. You are NOT any less of a woman for getting one -  nor are you more of a woman for not getting one. Anyways, so at this point I was on cloud 9. Fast forward to 10:30pm - not much progress was being made. They started me on pictocin and literally 10 minutes later my water broke. So they stoped the pictocin. My doctor got back to the hospital to check me about 6am. I was fully dilated, but the baby was stuck. He told me he would give me one more hour since she was stable and if she didn't get into position I would need a C-section. 😰 So we waited it out and at 7am he checked again and she had moved! Ready to push! Apparently I was a rockstar pusher. (Go me?😂) I pushed through a few contractions when the doctor became concerned because her heart rate kept fluctuating. He suspected she was playing with her cord and didn't want to waste any time getting her out. In come the salad tongs! (Or forceps..😅) A few more good pushes and my doctor said "look down!!" And there she was. Instant tears and "holy shit I have a baby" moment. 
So it was certainly not a textbook delivery, but I have an incredible doctor so strangely I was never worried! Maybe it was the drugs.. 
Sorry that got longer than anticipated. 😆 Just know ladies - you can have a birth plan and hope everything sticks to that plan, but the reality is it probably won't happen! Trust in God and your doctor and don't get too upset if things don't go as planned. 💜