Advice needed/Rant

Okay so I am currently 10 weeks pregnant & my best friend is starting to get a little annoying. When I first found out (around 4-5 weeks) she was very excited & so was I, although she might've been more excited than me 😂. Anyways, whenever I would say something about being nauseous or my crappy appetite, she would say "yeeess, feel my pain" Here's the thing: she was pregnant last year but decided to terminate the pregnancy so she could go into the military & she also didn't feel 'ready' for a child. I personally don't believe in abortion, but I've never said anything to her about it because I know it's not my business. So whenever she would say that I just looked at her kinda confused. Today she texted me saying "have you started taking prenatal vitamins? Cause you know you should've started taking them as soon as you found out" I'm sure she meant well by it but I'm a grown woman, I know I need to take vitamins. So obviously there will reach a point in my pregnancy where she won't be able to 'relate' because of her decision, & hopefully she will stop with the weird comments. If she doesn't, at what point should I say something to her without sounding rude? I know it's a touchy subject & she has expressed regret for not giving birth so I don't want to make her feel worse.