Mirena IUD/late period/freaking out

okay so i have the Mirena IUD and the first few months i bled and spotted constantly then it stopped but when my periods came around they lasted pretty long but they've been consistently getting shorter but now my period is late and the last times i had sex was maybe a month and a half ago and he pulled out and yesterday and we used a condom and i know that my period may not come because Mirena makes your period stop for some women and there's a pretty low chance that i'm pregnant but im just freaking out and i'd like some advice or reassurance also i have no way to buy a pregnancy test because i don't have a job at the moment and i can't ask my mom for money so !! help someone talk to me
edit: i may be ovulating because i'm emotional, my sex drive has gone way up, and my boobs hurt really bad?
one one more edit : i just went to the bathroom and when i wiped there was a small bit of light pink blood and when i wiped a second time there was a little more and it was a bit dark so i'm hoping it's my period!!