That friend....of your guy.

Alright so.
My guy has a male friend from high school. They're pretty much best friends. They went through a hard ass period in life together, even were roommates briefly.
Cool! Glad you have someone besides me who has your back right?
Nah. You see, this guy, let's call him Dan, and my guy Jared, had an issue. He's one sexist midwestern/ southern boy and he treats women like dirt but is obsessed with having a girl. He hasn't been able to get one around here (surprise surprise)
I could go into details but just take my word for it that he's not nice to me. He talks behind my back and shit to my guy months down the line and tries to make me do "women" chores. In my boyfriends apartment mind you. 
He also comments on my appearance derogatively (plus size girls rep!) 
So anyway rant aside: I don't like him. Dan gets Jared dangerously close to trouble all the damn time. And I'm the one who each time has saved Jareds ass. 
My reward is that whenever Jared is wth Chris, I don't hear from him for hours (probably encouraged him to drink) and Jared talks shit about women when he thinks I can't hear. 
Now bear in mind this is the only friend my guy does this with. I have half a mind to beat Dans ass tbh but then I'd be the bitch. 
So what do I do? Yeah Jared knows I'm not fond of Dan but that just means I'm no longer allowed over there when they hang out (they work together now great) and it's been hours in the middle of a huge snowstorm since I heard from Jared. I'm getting sick of this...