Baby leg tremors? And birth story


Thanks for reading. I was due on wed feb 7 and had a very easy pregnancy. So i always had the fear that would mean my labour or first year with the baby would be hard.

So i experienced leaking on Sat night Feb 4. It was flaky, whitish and would settle on the bottom of the loilet. I never saw my mucus plug or had a bloody show. I was communicating with my midwive the whole time but she thought it was cm. I got the fluid checked on mon Feb 6 and it was confirmed. So I needed to be induced asap. I had pitocin at 7pm. Contractions were every 2 mins and I was only 4cm dilated, so I got the epidural at 4am. He was never in distress but after 2 hrs of pushing, he was stuck and could not crown so they intervened with forceps. He was born at 2:21pm on tues feb 7 and weighed 7'11. My fluid was leaking since sat so he needed an iv with antibiotics for 48hrs.

He is 5 weeks today. Since he was 2 weeks I've seen these leg tremors. They don't stop when I hold it and can last 1-5 sec long. Now the horid waiting game. It took a week for the pediatrician referal. Blood work today. Ultrasound on Thurs. Follow up check next week. Ecg in april!?!

Please pray my baby is healthy. Hopefully his muscles and nervous system is just developing.