Nora Jane, born at 36 weeks exactly.

A little early at 36 weeks exactly, but Miss Eleanor (Nora) Jane is here, happy and completely healthy. 
Sunday 03/12/17 at around 10:45pm I rolled over in bed and felt this little pop in my pubic area, I didn't think anything of it except that my pelvis popped. When I rolled over to the other side, I felt a small trickle of fluid and just knew my water broke. I stood up to feel the bed and make sure I wasn't going crazy and sure enough there was a small wet spot. I started walking towards the door to go to the bathroom and before I got 3 steps this huge hush of fluid came out. Like we are talking Niagra Falls of a gush. Luckily I had a towel handy or the carpet might not have survived. I wasn't feeling contractions at this point, but the doctor advised me to head to L&D. 
We got to the hospital and they confirmed that my water broke (as if there was a question!) and they admitted me, we were having a baby! I was checked in triage and about 1.5 cm dialated, and about 20% effaced. 
By the time I got to my delivery room I was in pain, and contractions were regular 2-4 minutes apart. We got all my paperwork done and I told the nurse to check all the boxes for my epidural because when I was ready, I didn't want to have to wait. I called for the epidural at around 2am, and my God it was legit. The most annoying part was that my legs were in a constant state of tingle, but I'll take that over pain any day. 
I was checked around 3am and I was still 1.5 cm but about 90% effaced. Doc decided to start pitocin, she didn't want a super long labor since I had a spontaneous rupture and I was barely 36 weeks. I was able to rest on and off until about 8am. The doctor came and checked me and I was at 8cm and fully effaced. He said to expect to start pushing at around 11. 
11 came and I was still only at 8, so they gave me a peanut ball to help open my pelvis and help me finish those last 2cm. At 1:30pm I was checked again and I was good to go! I pushed for about an hour and a half and little Nora was born just before 3. 
At 36 weeks exactly, she weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 20.5 inches long. She has passed all of her tests and is coming home with us tomorrow. 
I have to say, I was expecting to be scared or nervous, but for the most part my birthing experience was stress-free and pleasant. We were able to do immediate skin to skin and delayed cord clamping. We followed my birth plan to a tee, give me drugs and get baby out safe. 
Sorry for the novel, I just always appreciated the detailed birth stories.