Pregnant at 17

My boyfriend is 20. My mom knows about him and she likes him. My dad also knows about him, but doesn't like him because of his age. I hang out with my boyfriend often, but my parents don't know that I do because my dad doesn't want me hanging out with him. A little over a month ago, him and I had sex. We had sex without a condom in the beginning, then he put one on before he came. All the other times after that, we had sex with a condom. Later, I noticed my period was late. I let my boyfriend know that it was a few days late and he told me not to worry about it, so I said okay. I waited two more days and something just didn't feel right. My gut was telling me to buy a test. Today, I drove to Walgreens, bought a Clearblue test, and it says I'm pregnant. Right now I just feel so stupid and I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents. They don't even know that I see him and they'll hate that I've been lying to them. I don't want to get kicked out either, and I'm pretty sure they'd go to that extent. In addition, I don't necessarily agree with abortion either. I know when I tell my boyfriend, he's gonna be happy because we've had plenty of conversations about having kids before and he says he wouldn't mind having kids right now because he wants them and he's stable. But I'm in my senior year of high school and going to college in the fall, I have no job, and I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't support me. I'm just really stressed right now and some support and advice would be greatly appreciated at the moment...