Long Labour....

Hi Ladies, 
I have never posted on here before but throughout my pregnancy I always read through the community and found it so helpful so here is my story. 
My baby girl was born on her due date 27/02/2017.
Contractions started Friday night 12pm, this is my first baby and they were strong every 4/5 minutes, however I could breathe through them 6 hours later I decide to ring the hospital who advised me to stay at home until I was having 3 contractions every 10 mins and couldn't breathe through them. Within the next hour my contractions starting spacing out and all of a sudden at 7am they just stopped. I got myself some sleep and woke up at 10am Saturday morning to no contractions. 6pm Saturday night the contractions started again stronger than Friday night but again every 4 mins, I called the hospital as I thought I would like to be examined, first baby I didn't know what the hell was going on. As I got to the hospital the widwife examined me and told me I was 2/3cm dilated as she told me this she broke my hind waters and told me I could stay in due to this. 3am Sunday morning the contractions stopped again 😩😩 I asked to go home as by this time I was absolutely shattered, as the midwife broke my waters I had to come back to the hospital on Sunday afternoon to be examined as if there was no progression they would induce me due to risk of infection. (I told you this was a long labour 😂) 4pm Sunday afternoon I return to hospital with no contractions to be told I could go another 24 hours without being induced hoping my labour would start naturally however I have to stay in hospital. Luckily 11pm Sunday night my contractions started and by 3am I was in active labour (4cm dilated) They then tooke to a delivery room where I started on gas and air, as I got to 7cm my fore waters still hadn't broken and to help me progress faster they broke them for me. Wow how the contractions intensified after this, I then needed more pain relief and they gave me diamorphine this definitely helped but knocked me out also. I was stuck at 9cm for around 2 hours then once at 10cm I was so tired i felt I couldn't push her out, after an hour of pushing and the head crowning my babies heart rate started to fasten which meant we would need help to get baby out,  I have never been more relived in my life to accept help. The doctors came in, cut me and with 3 more pushes help me deliver my beautiful baby girl with the help of a vontouse. She was born a perfect 8lb at 4.25pm Sunday afternoon and couldn't be more perfect. 💕💕💕💕