Hi everyone, I'm having a couple problems and I feel like this is the safest place to talk. 
I'm probably gonna get a lot of shit but I'm 18 years old and trying to conceive. I've been trying for a couple months now and I can't really talk to anyone about it because they say I'm throwing my life away and blah blah blah. But the only way I can really explain why I'm doing this so young is solely off the fact that for a long time now I've had a really strong feeling about being a mother and starting a family with my s/o. I've had dreams about it, I've talked to therapists about it, and nothing I say is convincing me otherwise. 
Anyway, I need some advice. I've been getting really depressed lately and upset because of how much I've been waiting and then to be let down when I find out I'm not pregnant. I have about 15 days until my next period and I've been doing really well but lately it's just been bothering me a lot. Any ideas as to how to relax a little and not get so upset? It's not something I can just make happen but I'm just so ready to be a mother and the waiting game is the hardest part. It's driving me crazy. 
***No hurtful comments please***