keep your babies safe!

Holly • Proud mummy to my little boy who will be two in may. Currently trying for our rainbow baby 🌈👪👶🏼

I really don't mean to go off on a tangent. However there's so many people I see all over my Facebook newsfeed and in car parks with their babies in forward facing car seats. I'm not here to judge. Or parent shame. I've been trained on car seat safety. It's absolutely terrifying to think of what could happen to a child in the wrong car seat. 

But the one thing I will forever stress to any expectant parent. Is REAR FACE! don't fall for "their legs are touching the back of the seat" or "they're too big." Believe me they are not! I've seen six year olds still rear face. It's proven to be 5X SAFER. If you could make sure your child is 5x safer if in a collision. Would you?! Forward facing increases the dangers of neck trauma. As your little one although may seem to have perfect head control. Walking ect. Hasn't fully formed yet! And the weight of their head on their very fragile necks can cause serious injuries. (To put it lightly) 

There's so many of us on here who are so desperate to see that positive pregnancy test (including myself) make sure you wrap them in bubble wrap when they're finally here. 

My little one is nearly two. Here he is alseep in his rear facing car seat. Looks cosy!