met this guy in tinder and is weird

So hey, I met this guy in tinder and we share our numbers, we haven't seen each other (he is in USA, I'm in Mexico) but we met like 6 days ago and he is telling me I'm the most beautiful girl , that in incredible, that he wants to marry me (I know, wtf?) that he wants to be my boyfriend and everything . I laugh and he is funny but deep inside I'm doubting about this guy, like how you say that you will marry a girl you don't even know ? Maybe he is trying to be funny and he is, but I'm scared of of maybe he is a pyscho or something 😂 Today we did FaceTime for the first time and he literally got naked in 3 minutes and was showing me his dick hahahahaha. I enjoyed it (I didn't got naked ) but he was excited to show me his bum and his dick. what do you think? He is hot by the way😂 I like him but I see he is sort of "crazy" Should I relax and let things happen? He seems really interested in meeting me .