depression medicine and pregnancy

I am four weeks pregnant and have had severe depression since I was 12 years old. I have tried every medication known to man but Effexor is the only one that doesn't make me feel terrible. I read online that Effexor is harmful to the baby during pregnancy so, wanting to be a good mother, I decided to cold turkey. I had a mental break down and was having non stop panic attacks and major depression episodes. I'm on the lowest dose of Effexor by the way, capsules that's I can't split up it's 37mg of Effexor and I decided to retake it today because I wasn't feeling okay at all. Do you guys know anyone who has taken Effexor and was fine? Or did you take it during pregnancy? Everyone I know and online all tell me I'm killing my baby and giving it autism with depression medicine which has never been proven at all by anyone but all of these things jumping at me really scares me. Any advice would be great. I've made an appointment with my doctor to talk about my meds but would like some momma input