I'm 37 and TTC! my story...

Hello ladies, I am 37 and TTC since 15 months (had a late marriage). Had an ovarian ectopic pregnancy leading to a miscarriage at 5 weeks last year. It was heart breaking for me. I was asked to not try for next 3 months to let the body get back to normal.
Saw an RE and got all labs and Hysteroscopy done. Everything was ok except for reduced ovarian reserve. Was told it could be from age or from methotrexate medicine they gave me for the ectopic pregnancy.
I had a clomid cycle but that did not work. I was disheartened and just decided to take a break.
Couple of months later I came across a friend/physician who specializes in Wholistic fertility. She changed my life forever. Her name is Elisa Yao and her website is www.elisayaomd.com if anyone is interested.
She found out that I have Vit D deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. Both me and my husband have made tremendous lifestyle changes (thanks to her). I am currently trying acupuncture (it works wonders), gluten free and dairy free diet. She has started me on supplements to correct my deficiencies and I will be starting Abdominal Maya massage and Chinese herbs soon.
One of the best advice that she gave me was to read the book "Taking charge of your fertility" which was an eye opener. I feel so hopeful and empowered now. I don't know if and when I will get pregnant but I am just going to keep trying, stay positive and leave the rest in God's hands. Meeting Dr Yao has given me new hope and I hope to help other aspiring moms in the process. Wishing everyone the best!