A Surprise for a Mother in the Making :)

Monique • Boobs and beer 😝

My coworker is 20 and has been trying for three months to conceive. She just recently found out she's pregnant, and told me today! I had just finished my shift at work, so I bused to the nearest Target (I'm a non-driver) and made her a mum-to-be care package (lavender face mask/body scrub to unwind, a lotion that had good reviews for assisting with stretch marks, tums, hemorrhoid cream, washable bamboo nursing pads, ginger tea and mints for morning sickness, a baby book to read while she waits, feminine wipes to stay fresh, a card, and a few other goodies), then bused back to work a few hours later to give it to her.

She was so happy she cried a little, and she told me no one else got her anything. Not that she expected it, but she was super thrilled I did. She was especially surprised since I'm the openly childfree coworker - as much as I'd adore a family, I won't be having one.

It was a great way to end the day 😄