I was admitted to L & D for high blood pressure

I was admitted to L & D for high blood pressure. We started induction by pitocin but I was also on magnesium to prevent seizures from high blood pressure. It didn't take much pitocin as I was already having irregular contractions. It didn't take long for me to dilate. At 7cm I opted for an epidural. The epidural only took on one side. It took the anesthesiologist over an hour to come back and readminister the epidural. I was completely dilated for about 5-6 hrs but pushing wasn't moving the baby at all; he was crooked but sill had a healthy heartbeat. I was so fatigued from pitocin contractions I was afraid without the epidural I would have zero energy to continue. The magnesium and high blood pressure had me so swollen that the doctor could try to use the vacuum but I would need reconstructive surgery. So it was that or cesarean. We chose cesarean. I was given a spinal tap for the surgery. Overall I labored for 15 hours. He was a healthy boy and I had to stay on magnesium for another 24 hrs following the surgery. This was a drastic change from my all natural birth plan but even with the complications and interventions, my doula was an integral part to my birthing team (also including my mom and husband). I am so in love with my little man. His name is Abram.