Husband hates condoms (updated)

He never seems to want to have sex with me. Even if he's hard! He'll come to me, turn me on a bit and then just sit there trying to lose his erection because he doesn't want to have sex using a condom (he doesn't want to get me pregnant again right now, and he can't feel much when he wears a condom). I understand where he's coming from, but I have needs - my son is almost 7 months and i can count on one hand how many times my husand and I have had sex. I want to feel wanted again. I don't want to be turned on and then left there because my husband decides to go against his own urges. It's frustrating! Our son goes to bed usually somewhere around 9:00pm, which leaves us with HOURS of free time. My husband would rather watch youtube, play video games, or watch a tv show with me than have sex with me. I miss the intimacy. We both don't want me on birth control, so condoms are the answer, but he can't even stand the thinner condoms! 😭

Update: Thank you all for your suggestions! (I want to stay anonymous, that's why I'm responding here.) I don't want to go on birth control because I don't want to add a whole bunch of hormones to my body and I don't want to get implant birth control either because on top of not wanting the hormones the implants creep me the hell out. I had a friend in high school who would wiggle her implant thing in her arm in front of my husband and I and let me just say - that thing is unnatural 😷. Also, if I am meant to have another baby I don't want to prevent it from happening or possibly ruin it's chances at life because I'm on some kind of birth control. I do want more children, just not right now, so condoms seem to be our best answer and if a baby happens while we're using protection then obviously that baby was meant to be here (just like my son, lol). I haven't gotten my period since giving birth so I can't really track my fertile window. Plus I kinda suck at tracking my fertile window and I don't know what I'm doing. I know ovulation supposedly happens halway between your periods but I've never really been able to understand tracking. If my husband and I TTC in the future I'll look into it more, but for right now I'll leave it alone. (I can't track yet anyways because of no period.)