Guy troubles

So, my bf broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. And I went running back to this one guy. I have been talking to him on and off for about a year and a half. (We stopped talking when I was in a relationship) I have grown up with him though, we go to the same church, and live a mile down the road from each other. We both really like each other, and have for a while, and I would date him, but I just don't think he wants a relationship. But the way we talk, it's like we're already dating. He gives me rides to and from school, and we hold hands all the time (you'd be surprised at how much holding hands helps with anxiety!) He calls me pretty, and beautiful, and cute. He basically begged to see a picture of me wearing my new bikini. Well, our youth group is going on a beach trip soon, and he said that he called dibs on sitting beside me in the way down there, and that he wanted to run sunscreen on my back (I honestly cracked up when he said that) He's your typical country boy. Boots, jeans, tshirt, dirty hat, he's even got a beard (what am I getting myself into? lol) we have a lot in common too. We both are really interested in cars. Like, it's our addiction. Cars this, trucks that. That's how we connect, ya know? But he'll be 18 in 2 months and I'll be 16 in 6 months, so i dont know if that will be an awkward age gap for us, because he'll technically be an adult. I really like this guy, but I'm still not over the other one. Is it possible to be in love with 2 guys at the same time? Well, I don't know if I would say in love, but you know what I mean. I just dont know what to do!