Why wont my daughter sleep in her own bed. I am losing my mind. She was such a good sleeper when first born. At about 2 months she hit a sleep regression and since then (she is almost 4 months now) she refuses to sleep in her own bed! She will sleep for hours in my bed but the second I move her, she waked up. Or she gives me a few min of false hope, but wakes up and cries until I get her, she latches for 30 seconds and passes back out. I refuse to co-sleep because my husband is too wild so I have no idea what to do. She needs to sleep in her own bed. Not mine! I got no sleep last nighr because I tried to put her in her own bed a million times but nope! Just woke back up.

Crying it out doesn't work because she just gets workes up. Please someone help me.