please help.. drink spike/ sex

 3 days ago, I was out with a very close friend (I honestly considered him family) and I'm pretty sure my drink was spiked. At least 4 hours I cannot remember, and when I woke up he was on top of me, naked and my underware was down. Long story short he tried to tell me I was awake the whole time, which I do not believe, because I could feel myself slowly waking up. 
The day after it happened I was so sick, vomiting, I could not stand up for more than a few seconds. I told my brother about what happened and he watched movies with me and promised to keep it a secret.
 On the second day after it happened, I was feeling so anxious, my head felt so cloudy, I had zero patience with anyone, and just very low ambitions. I went to work but had to leave because everything was taking me so long to do, I was sweating profusely but didn't feel that hot and It took everything not to burst into tears for no reason every 10 minutes. I felt like I couldn't feel anything. When I got home, my mum mad needling me for information about my night out, and why I was acting so strange, and I ended up telling her everything. She asked if I wanted to go to hospital, and I said that maybe it was a good idea, but then she said it's probably too late for them to find anything in my system . Telling my mum was the worst idea. She was just telling me to learn from this, like it was my fault.  
it is the third day after it happened, my mood had not changed, I feel disgusting, my temperature is all over the place, I went to work for a few hours, and my head was just so cloudy. I my  I told a guy at work that I thought my drink had been spiked because I knew he had a lot of knowledge on drugs, leaving out the details. He was telling me different prescription drugs that it could have been, which made me  really want to go to hospital in case there was still something in my system. I asked my mum because I did not want to go by myself like this, and she tried to make an appointment at 7pm with her doctor. I told her that was too late and we could go to the hospital after she finished work. I've been waiting for her, and she came home at 8:30, after shopping with her boyfriend, and I can't say anything because they are making dinner together laughing and she has just forgotten about the whole thing. 
I am so upset right now. I know she won't leave now, he's come down from the city to stay tonight. 
I just wish I never trusted her with this. Why couldn't she have just taken me to the fucking hospital when I told her. I don't know if this guy had sex with me. I found cum on the inside of my underware