explaining to a child about speaking up if touched! help!!!

Jocy • Im 24 |fiance| 2 daughters 7y old and a 11mo. My youngest daughter has short bowel syndrome but praying for an easy journey 💪🏻🙏🏻❤️
My fiancé and I had the talk with our 6year old daughter about not being touched and what is inappropriate and to speak up if anything has happened or if something ever happens. (I hope to God that never happens.) She's taking this to the extreme, from her classmates at school accidentally touching her in her private parts when they squeezed by her and so on and so forth. I'm convinced that we had this talk way too Early but our intent was prevention and for her to not be scared to have a voice. I'm not sure how to get her to understand what I'm speaking of or what situations are serious in which she should speak up. I got some ideas, one would be having her watch a movie or show were that happens so she sees and understands but I don't know if that's taking it too far. 
I need help! Any advice would be helpful.
We've been seeing things on how 1-5 children get molested and the Majority of the time it's someone close to her so now every time her grandmother cuddles or hugs her she gets upset and says her grandma held her and I don't want her to be scared of love or actual people that love her and just want good for her.