Advice ??


I have a great opportunity to go to Barcelona Spain for a week for a low cost.. One of my best friends is studying abroad there and I can stay with her practically for free and the plane ticket is very cheap right now. My boyfriend is very jealous and doesn't want me to go. He doesn't necessarily think that it's a good idea to go with a girl who single and wants to drink and have fun a lot, I've repeatedly told him that he can trust me and I wouldn't ever cheat. She's 20 in the states But can legally drink there. (We have done this once before in germany).

But he's only focusing on the fact that I'm going without him and we will occasionally go out for drinks at night. It's just a shame because it's such a great opportunity and I'm about to start graduate school so this is my last hoorah before grad school, loans and who knows maybe even a family. But he thinks that if I go it will put a damper on our relationship. What should I do?

Traveling is something I think everyone should take seriously and if you have an opportunity to travel, you should always take it. But who knows I could be selfish and really f****** something great that I have going in my life.