

I am breastfeeding​ and pumping. Second time mom but struggled and failed with bf-ing with my first. I lacked support and knowledge I needed for it. We're a .Onth and a half into our second go around and going great! I started taking the mini pill (birth control) three days ago and told my gyno I was terrified it would lower my supply. She gave me permission to also take fenugreek to give it an extra boost even though she tried reassuring me that the mini pill wouldn't affect my supply. Anyways. Day three of both mini pill and fenugreek and my supply hasnt lessened at all and I'm actually pumping an ounce / ounce and a half more than I was before I was on either.

Sorry that was soo long but I've read everywhere that fenugreek works well for some and not for others, and wanted to share that it's working so far for me : )

610mg pills and taking two in the morning with breakfast and three right before dinner when I take the pill : )