my crazy birth story

Amanda • My husband and I got married in 2012, we have a three year old boy and welcomed our rainbow baby girl March 2017 ☀️🌈
Alright here's the story! I got into the hospital at 8:30pm on the 11th. She was breech so they had a dr come and attempt to turn her. They gave me a pain medication to help me relax but this was one of the most painful parts of my delivery. After 5 unsuccessful tries they prepped me for a c section.  I was in the operating room, got my spinal block put in, and they were drawing the incision line on my belly when the surgeon felt a big movement. She checked with the ultrasound and she had turned (this girl really loves to wait until the last min) so instead of having surgery they broke my water and wheeled me back to my room. I labored pain free for quite a while and was able to get some sleep. Once the numbness wore off the contractions were getting more intense but since I had the spinal block done for surgery I couldn't move my legs for hours and by the time I could my legs were still too weak to be able to support my self in the birthing tub. So instead I labored in the bathroom tub for quite a while. When I got out of the tub it was almost time to push. Once I fully dialed I started pushing but I couldn't get her past a certain point. My midwife did another check and said that I was constipated and my bowels were blocking her head. So I got an epidural so I could relax enough for her to clean me out ( it's as bad as it sounds 😳😣😣) after that procedure I was able to start pushing again but her heart rate started dropping. So they called a specialty dr that would be able to get her out quick if needed. I had to stop pushing again and wait for this dr to come. 20 min turned into an hour and an hour turned into an hour and a half. At this point I was super thankful for the epidural because wasn't able to feel pain that whole time I was waiting. He finally got there and I was allowed to start pushing for the third and final time. I'm not sure how long I pushed for that time, but I did it!! It was so amazing that was my biggest accomplishment for sure!! She was born March 12th at 4:03 pm weighing 7lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches long. So that's my whirlwind of a birth story!!