found porn on his phone...

Ashley Lynn
I've been with my fiancé for just over a year. He went to the store and left his phone. I've never ever had the desire to look through his phone, but for some reason I did. I'm 3 months postpartum and dealing with PPD so maybe that's why. Or maybe because I'm feeling insecure. I now wish I didn't. Because in his browsing history there were multiple times he watched porn. Oddly enough it's mostly on days he works, but he can't have his phone at work so I'm wondering if he doesn't do it in the morning while I'm sleeping?? I'm feeling very hurt. I haven't brought it up yet. Because I don't know how. Obviously he'll be upset I went through his phone. It is locked, but he told me his passcode months ago because I told him mine. I also noticed he's been snap chatting this girl named Megan. Who ironically has red hair like I do. I went on his fb page via my phone and he's friends with her on there as well. What should I do with all this info? I feel bad that I did what I did, but I feel even worse because I found shit I wish I hadn't.