4 weeks 1 day... cramping and bleeding HCG level 96

so at 3 weeks 6 days I stared spotting light blood and cramping. I am now 4 weeks 1 day and i'm still bleeding and cramping. The blood has went from light spotting to dark red spotting... like a light period. No filling up pads or anything it's just blood when I wipe, no clots. I was experiencing bad cramps constantly in my lower stomach and lower back so I went to ER last night. They diagnosed me with a threatened misscarriage and said I was still pregnant with a HCG of 96. He said that was low but he didn't have enough info to tell me much other then I could end up misscarying and to come back in 48 hours and see if my hcg levels have dropped or increased. I am still cramping and bleeding but the cramps have gotten somewhat better and blood is still only when i wipe but can be bright red or little streaks. I'm worrying myself sick and I can't help it. This is my first pregnancy.. my period is supposed to come in 3 days, i've been bleeding, cramping & spotting for 3 days. No other symptoms fatigue or nausea... has this happend to anyone and they went on with healthy pregnancy? someone please give me answers if you have experienced something like this. I'm trying my hardest to stay positive and have faith as me and my husband got so excited so early finding out and now this... 🙏🏻😞