copper IUD coming out/pregnancy?

So this is going to be a long post because a lot has been going on lately. So on the 18th of February I had unprotected sex (mind it was the last day of my period and it was practically gone) he finished in me twice(sorry if that's tmi), I have the copper IUD and I've always used another source of protection other then this. I immediately got nervous because I always relied on two sources of contraception. I knew that I was over reacting and considered the fact that my copper IUD is 99% effective if that even more. My ovulation time frame was the 23rd-29th (pretty sure I ovulated on the 27th). But during my ovulation period I got this brown discharge that I have gotten before but only when I first got my IUD. At first I maybe thought it couldn't be implantation of a pregnancy but it wasn't. So about two days after I had the discharge I checked my IUD and I could feel the strings were a bit longer and my IUD was sitting at the bottom of my cervix! So I looked up symptoms and things of IUD displacement and it lined up pretty well. One symptom that I have been experiencing a ton is discharge, I've been having this yellowish/white discharge that sometimes smells. On the 5th of March I took a pregnancy test and on the 10th they both came out negative. On <a href="">eve</a> it said I was supposed to get my period yesterday and I still haven't gotten it. Usually my period can be early or late 1-3 days. So far I haven't had any early pregnancy signs, I've just been stressed about this situation. I'm questioning am I pregnant? Or is it just a side affect of my misplaced IUD? Plus I'm supposed to go in for a year check up visit on the 24th with my GYNO. I was supposed to have it earlier but she is on medical leave so I haven't been able to get in to see her. Plus I'm wondering should I take my IUD out myself because it's at the bottom of my cervix? I'm just not sure.