On a scale of 1-10, how normal are you?

Rachel β€’ Glow Community Manager

So here's a silly poll based on a conversation overheard here in the Glow HQ lunchroom. 

1.6k views β€’ 1 upvote β€’ 43 comments



Posted at
Idk about normal, but damn am I basic.Target, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A!


zo β€’ Mar 16, 2017
Seriously, when did basic become a bad thing? I like Starbucks, golden retrievers and the basic of all basic.... Lauren Conrad! 😱


Ruth Maria πŸ’šπŸ–€ β€’ Mar 16, 2017
Lmao girl πŸ‘ŒπŸ½


Posted at
I find these results very ironic πŸ˜‚ the fact that most people think they're not normal directly contradicts the very definition of what normality even is. 


Cyrah β€’ Mar 16, 2017
MY kind of personπŸ˜‚ I voted 10 definitely normal.


Posted at
There is no such thing as "normal". It is subjective. Your normal may not be my normal. Therefore, I don't understand the point of this. 


Eve β€’ Mar 16, 2017
Thank you


Mrs_🐝 β€’ Mar 16, 2017
*to ask you*


Mrs_🐝 β€’ Mar 16, 2017
Thank you. I've said this to people. Like, don't ask me what normal is because then I'm going to tell you to define "your normal"!


Posted at
Normal according to what? Normal is subjective. We are all crazy in our own unique ways even if we are conforming to society standards of normal.


Mo β€’ Mar 15, 2017
And just to clarify … I mean crazy as in we have our own unique behaviors that some people would not consider normal.


Posted at
Personally I think it funny how many people are claiming how normal doesn't exist, which is false according to sociology.(Social Science junkie over here)


Posted at
Am not normal,am unique 


Posted at
I like that when asked how normal we are the majority are pretty middle ground, does this mean that we're now the new normal?😱


Rachel β€’ Mar 15, 2017
That was one of the reasons I asked the question! I was curious about how people view themselves. Apparently we are all sure we're at least a bit weird, compared to everyone else.


Posted at
Negative 14 


Posted at
What's normal?


🌱🌿 β€’ Mar 15, 2017


Posted at
With my own "group" of people in my life, I am completely normal and fit in perfectly. But to others I would be considered very abnormal. (Basing this on my appearance and actions in everyday life.)